Associations & Industries
If you are looking for information on Metal Prices, ASME or the LME, it is in our Industry links. Here you will also find organization links to resources such as the American Bureau of Metal Statistics and AWMI, to the Mills and manufacturers with whom we do business.
ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers
ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials - Metal Prices and News
NIST National Institute of Standards and Technology
ABMS American Bureau of Metal Statistics
AISA American Iron and Steel Institute
AWMI of Women in the Metal Industries
CDA Copper Development Association
IPAI International Primary Aluminum Institute
NACE - National Association of Corrosion Engineers
NiDI - Nickel Development Institute
Manufacturing Alliance for Productivity and Innovation
SAE Society of Automotive Engineers
SPFA Steel Plate Fabricators Association
Metals Service Center Institute